Retiree Group Medical

RetireesHaving difficulty finding just the right group plan solutions for your retiree medical insurance needs? NBCI has your solution!

Plans to Save You Time and Money

Our Retiree Med Preferred, Retiree Med Plus, Retiree Med Confidence, Retiree Med Saver, Retiree Med Super Saver and Retiree Med Essential plans are affordable, comprehensive alternatives to traditional healthcare plans for retiree groups.

Designed to reimburse many of the out-of-pocket medical expenses not paid by Medicare, these fully insured plans offer:

  • Guaranteed acceptance
  • Coverage for pre-existing conditions when applicable
  • Freedom to choose any doctor, clinic, or hospital
  • Attractive pool rates valid nationwide

For employers and organizations, these plans will save you time and money, plus:

  • Easy program set up with minimal administration required
  • Flexible funding options: employer-paid or retiree-paid
  • Electronic claims processing: faster payment of claims
  • Full integration with Medicare
  • FASB 106, GASB 34 and GASB 45 liability reduction opportunities

Plans to Fit You and Your Employees

Six nationally pooled plans are available for consideration.  The Retiree Med Preferred plan is the most comprehensive by covering all deductibles and co-insurance including excess Part B medical expenses.  Note the percentage savings in other plans. Benefit summaries for several plans are available below.

Super Saver
Most Comprehensive
13.8% Savings
17.5% Savings
32.6% Savings
41.9% Savings
55.3% Savings

We're Ready to Help!

To learn how NBCI can provide the right retiree medical plan for your employees, simply give us a call at (262) 201-4370/(800) 875-1505 or visit our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you!

Required Medicare disclaimer: We do not offer every plan available. Currently we represent 9 carriers offering 545 products. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.